Hey, we are ARTIsts
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Our Story
We are on a Mission.
By working together, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.
Meet the Team
Core Founders
Where it started
Konstantin Mautner-Lassnig MSc
CEO / Co-Founder

Stefan Loigge MSc
CTO / Co-Founder

Alexander Buchegger BSc

Clemens Mühlbacher PhD

Creating the magic
Lena Franke Mag.a
Legal and Strategic

Michael Stradner MSc
Robotics Engineer

Raphael Hoheneder BSc
Robotics Engineer

Danijel Capljak
Robotics Engineer

Jahn Mansour, BSc
Robotics Engineer

Ivan Držaić
C-Level Executive Assistant

Rohith Sarochand
Robotics Engineer

Fabian Hirmann, MSc
Robotics Engineer

Amardeep Verma, MSc
Robotics Engineer

Lotta Lumiaro
Robotics Engineer

Héctor Villeda PhD
Robotics Engineer

Christoph Royer
Robotics Engineer

Extending our capabilities
Kambis Kohansal Vajargah, MSc
Business Mentor

Jakob Auer MSc

Andreas Mayrhofer

Manuel Jelinek MSc

Join the Team!
Become an ARTIst and shape the future of robotics together.
Automatic configuration of a base driver using derived kinematic parameters
Automatic configuration of a base driver for robots. Using a description of the robot (e.g. by a URDF), kinematic parameters are derived (e.g. wheel distance, etc.).
These are then used to configure the base driver. Automatic tests are then carried out to recalibrate the values obtained. This is to reduce the deviation between “should” and “is” (keyword: manufacturing tolerances).
Automated Map update on server side considering bandwidth constraints
Starting from an initial map created with a LiDAR-Scanner (2D as most basic variant), the original map is to be successively improved and better understood by incorporating changes in the environment over time.
New map information data will be sent to an intermediary server, where data is processed with an existing ARTI-AI Kit (LOKI). When data is processed on server-level, the new map-information is compared with existing mapping-material. If the comparison finds significant changes, a new map is created. This map is then fed back to the robot.
The research questions to be worked on are: finding parameters to define, whether changes in the map are “significant” or not and to develop a pipeline to fed the newly updated maps back to the robots.
Establishment of automated testing methods for mobile robots.
In developing software for autonomous mobile robots, testing plays an important role. The software can, to a certain extent, be tested virtually. But at some point, the tests must be performed in “real world scenarios”. Such tests can be quite repetitive and time-consuming. Within a master’s thesis framework, we want to explore how such test scenarios can be carried out faster and more automatically.
As a first task, the thesis should analyze the current testing workflow and estimate how much time can be saved by integrating the proposed testing methods. Throughout the thesis, different testing methods should be explored to allow fast and accurate testing of different types of ground-bound robotic vehicles. The focus should be on strategies that automatically execute the tests for each release.
The thesis should cover different levels of testing, from unit tests up to integration tests, including showcases for each level and every part of the system. To ensure proper execution on the Microcontroller, at least the integration tests should be executed (also) on the Microcontroller.
Additionally, the thesis should cover the tooling needed to allow the fast creation of additional tests apart from the showcases. Apart from defining proper test methods, the thesis should also cover issues of appropriate test coverage to avoid creating too few/too many test cases.
- A young, very nice team incl. two easy-to-maintain robot prototypes
- Flexible working conditions (working hours, home office option, etc.)
- Good team spirit with flat hierarchies
- Experience the development of a company from the very beginning
- Work on a promising technology and witness its progress!
You are interested?
Then let us talk! Please send your application documents with your CV to: office@arti-robots.com
Events and Achievements
Challenges and Events where our Team or Members participated.
ELROB - European Land Robot Trial
European Land Robot Trial – ELROB
The ELROB, which takes place for the sixth time now, enables you to get a glance at the latest R&D in the area of unmanned outdoor/off-road ground systems. The scenarios have been developed in closest co-operation with the military users and reflect the up-to-date requirements of the forces. This event offers the fantastic opportunity to mingle with the international experts from the user community, the industry and the R&D sector.
- Finalist, ELROB 2022, Transport – Mule, Austria, June 2022
Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport
Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport
The 2nd edition of the challenge is devoted to Self-driving Logistics Services, including ground transport and drones.
“This global competition aims to expand the use of driverless transport across many fields and encourage leading companies in this particular field to tackle the existing mobility challenges, such as the first and last-mile, traffic congestions, and the low public transport ridership. Self-driving transport has become a key pillar of RTA’s strategy, and we are determined to achieve our goals through a host of creative initiatives capable of making self-driving transport a reality on the ground in Dubai.” added Al Tayer.
- Finalist, Self-Driving Transport, Dubai, Oktober 2021
ARG – Autonomous Racing Graz
ARG – Autonomous Racing Graz
World’s first racing series for humans and artificial intelligence. It was created to accelerate the development of autonomous software by pushing the technology to its limits in a range of controlled environments.
- 2nd Season Alpha, Localization Challenge, Zalazone, August 2019
- 2nd Season Alpha, Performance and Precision Challenge, France, November 2019
Tedusar and GRIPS
Tedusar and GRIPS
Team Tedusar and GRIPs are both student teams of the TU Graz, which competed in RoboCup Rescue and RoboCup Logistic.
- 1st Place “Best in Class Autonomous Exploration” at RoboCup World Cup 2016 – Leipzig, Germany
- 3rd in Logistics League 2016
- 2nd Place “Best in Class Autonomy” at RoboCup German Open 2015 – Magdeburg, Germany
- 4th Place “Overall Competition” at RoboCup German Open 2015 – Magdeburg, Germany
- 2nd Place “Best in Class Autonomy” at RoboCup World Cup 2014 – João Pessoa, Brazil
- 1st Place “Innovative User Interface Award” at RoboCup World Cup 2014 – João Pessoa, Brazil
DHL Robotics Challenge
DHL Robotics Challenge
The Challenge in 2016 was about designing a self-driving delivery cart that can accompany mail carriers and postmen in their last-mile delivery. The prototype must be able to move freely when transporting parcels.
- 2nd Place at DHL Robotics Challenge 2016
- Winner Startup World Cup Austria – Smart City 2022
- Austrian Robotics Award 2018
- AMADEE-18 Mars Analog Mission of the Austrian Space Forum (ÖWF) 2018 – Oman
- 2nd place at the SPIRIT-STARTUP-AWARD 2023 – Read more
Research Projects and Scientific Publications
Overview of the projects and scientific papers we are involved in.
Research Projects
The goal of the flagship project PRESENT is to develop a new software architecture with an innovative security-by-design approach that is suitable for even the most sensitive data, meets all legal and ethics security requirements and is so user-friendly that no statistical or computer science experts are needed to operate it.
PRESENT is an acronym and stands for PREdictions for Science, Engineering N’ Technology.
RoboNav aims at the development of an integrated navigation system for robots operating in remote and challenging environments; which can perform transportation and maintenance tasks to support the end user.
Earth observation data and results of previous projects are used to obtain routing data and simplify the deployment of the robot in new regions without any prior mapping.
The research project LOKI focuses on fleet management on the server level in regards to the control and management of robot fleets. The need for this project arose from the successful development of the ARTI-AI kits and collaboration with customers. It is aimed at increasing the efficiency and performance of fleets of autonomous mobile robots.
The REDI project revolves around the development of a new assistance-software tool „REDI“ to be used in integrating mobile autonomous robotics into the production and logistic processes.
REDI is an acronym and stands for Robot Efficient Deployment Instrument.
FFG - AI-Kits
The goal of the project is the development of modular AI-Software Kits which are to be used for equipping and controlling mobile autonomous robots. They are modular, flexible and quickly adaptable for various types of robotic platforms. Furthermore, the integration phase is much shorter than with old solutions.
The goal of move2zero is to develop a concept for a full decarbonised urban bus transport system, which includes zero-emission technologies for power generation and supply, is based 100% on zero-emission technologies for the operation of vehicles and infrastructure and supports components with low emission factors and high reuse- and recyclability.
Scientific Publications
2021 - 2025
An Event-Based Approach to Autonomous Navigation.
Hoheneder, R., Buchegger, A., Didari, H., Eder, M., Mautner-Lassnig, K., Mühlbacher, C., Steinbauer-Wagner, G.
Austrian Robotics Workshop (ARW). Linz, Austria (April 2023)
Offroad Terrain Classification for Mobile Robots.
Walch, W., Eder, M., Mautner-Lassnig, K., Steinbauer-Wagner, G.,
Best Regular Paper Award sponsored by RAS (Robotics & Automatio)
Chapter of IEEE Austria Section at the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2022. (2021)
2016 - 2020
Full-Day Workshop Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing.
Schrattner, M., Zubaca, J., Mautner-Lassnig, K., Renzler, T., Kirchengast, M., Loigge S., Stolz, M., Watzenig D.
ICRA 2021. Xi’an, China. (May-June 2020)
ACTIVE-Autonomous Car to Infrastructure Communication Mastering Adverse Environments.
Steinbaeck, J., Druml, N., Herndl, T., Loigge, S., Marko, N., Postl, M., … & Steger, C.
In 2019 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (2019, October)
Constraint-based testing of an industrial multi-robot navigation system.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Reip M., Gspandl S.
In 2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest) (pp. 129-137). IEEE. (2019, April)
An Autonomous Vehicle for Parcel Delivery in Urban Areas.
Buchegger, A., Lassnig, K., Loigge, S., Mühlbacher, C., & Steinbauer, G.
In 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 2961-2967). IEEE. (2018, November)
Diagnosing Discrete Event Systems Using Nominal Models Only.
Pencolé Y., Steinbauer G., Mühlbacher C., Travé-Massuyès L.
In DX (pp. 169-183). (2017, September)
Adapting edge weights for optimal paths in a navigation graph.
Mühlbacher C., Gspandl S., Reip M., Steinbauer G.
In International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (pp. 372-380). Springer, Cham. (2017, June)
Adapting edge weights for optimal paths in a navigation graph.
Mühlbacher C., Gspandl S., Reip M., Steinbauer G.
In International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (pp. 372-380). Springer, Cham. (2017, June)
Estimation of the Traversal Time for a Fleet of Industrial Transport Robots.
Mühlbacher C., Gspandl S., Reip M., Steinbauer G.
In International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (pp. 363-371). Springer, Cham. (2017, June)
Task-Dependent Configuration of Robotics Systems.
Pagonis, A., Mühlbacher, C., Steinbauer, G., Gspandl, S., & Reip, M.
In OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2017 on “Vision, Automation & Robotics”. (2017, May)
Model-based testing of an industrial multi-robot navigation system.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Reip M., Gspandl S.
In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 1652-1654). (2017, May)
A Robust and Flexible Software Architecture for Autonomous Robots in the Context of Industrie 4.0.
Wallner, M., Mühlbacher, C., Steinbauer, G., Haas, S., Ulz, T., & Ludwiger, J. C.
In OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2017 on “Vision, Automation & Robotics”. (2017, May)
An Autonomous Transportation Robot for Urban Environments.
Lassnig K., Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Gspandl S., Reip M.
In ÖAGM/AAPR ARW 2017: Joint Workshop on “Vision, Automation & Robotics” (2017, May)
A Model-Based Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Repair for Autonomous Robotics systems.
Loigge S., Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Gspandl S., Reip M.
In ÖAGM/AAPR ARW 2017: Joint Workshop on “Vision, Automation & Robotics” (2017, May)
A Model-Based Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Repair for Autonomous Robotics systems.
Loigge S., Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Gspandl S., Reip M.
In ÖAGM/AAPR ARW 2017: Joint Workshop on “Vision, Automation & Robotics” (2017, May)
Supervision of Hardware, Software and Behavior of Autonomous Industrial Transport Robots.
Steinbauer, G., Loigge, S., & Mühlbacher, C.
In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion
(QRS-C) (pp. 298-300). IEEE. (2016, August)
Controlling logistics robots with the action-based language YAGI.
Ferrein, A., Maier, C., Mühlbacher, C., Niemueller, T., Steinbauer, G., & Vassos, S.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 525-537).
Springer, Cham. (2016, August)
Hierarchical Planning with Traffic Zones for a Team of Industrial Transport Robots.
Imlauer S., Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Reip M., Gspandl S.
In 4th Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP). (2016, June)
Improving dependability of industrial transport robots using model-based techniques.
Mühlbacher C., Gspandl S., Reip M., Steinbauer G.
In 2016 IEEE. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 3133-3140).
IEEE. (2016, May)
RoboCup Logistics League TDP Graz Robust and Intelligent Production System GRIPS.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G., Haas S., Ulz T., Wallner M., Keskic D.
In RoboCup International Symposium. (2016, February)
Diagnosis makes the difference for a successful execution of high-level robot control programs.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G.
In Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13 (pp.1119-1132). Springer, Cham. (2016)
Belief Management using the Action History and Consistency-Based-Diagnosis.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G. (2016)
Hands Off – A Holistic Model-Based Approach for Long-Term Autonomy.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G. (2016)
2010 - 2015
Automatic Model Generation to Diagnose Autonomous Systems.
Santos Simón J., Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G. (2015).
Knowledge-Aware Execution of Programs in IndiGolog.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G. (2014, August).
Using common sense invariants in belief management for autonomous agents.
Steinbauer G., Mühlbacher C.
In 2014 AAAI Spring Symposium Series (pp. 49-59). Springer, Cham. (2014, March).
Towards Autonomous Manipulation in RoboCup Rescue.
Nitsch, J., Buchegger, A., Koert, D., Rose, C., Maurer, J., Kohlbrecher, S., … & Steinbauer, G.
In RoboCup International Symposium 2014. (2014).
Life Sign Detection Based on Sound and Gas Measurements.
Imlauer, S., Lassnig, K., Maurer, J., Steinbauer, G.
In Austrian Robotics Workshop 2014. (2014).
Active Diagnosis for Agents with Belief Management.
Mühlbacher C., Steinbauer G. (2014).
The right choice matters! SMT solving substantially improves model-based debugging of spreadsheets.
Außerlechner S., Fruhmann S., Wieser W., Hofer B., Spörk R., Mühlbacher C., Wotawa F.
In 13th International Conference on Quality Software (pp. 139-148). IEEE. (2013, July).
Improving the ROS Arm Navigation Stack by Using Stochastic Inverse Kinematics.
Mühlbacher, C., Steinbauer, G., Reip, M., & Gspandl, S.
In Austrian Robotics Workshop. (2013).